Before dawn on Good Friday, March 21, the mammoth Easter 1913 storm system slammed the nation with its first knock-out blow...
Sensing something dreadfully wrong, A. L. Slaughter instantly
and instinctively came fully awake. The clock read only 4 AM. Outside his bedroom
window, brilliant moonlight from the setting nearly-full moon bathed his
tree-lined yard and his neighbor’s house in Lower Peach Tree, a prosperous small
southern town on a bluff overlooking the Alabama River, home to about 1,800
souls. But the wind was rising too fast. Chickens and other birds were
frantically flapping and calling, the dogs yapping urgently. Moonlit clouds
were deep and darkening to the southwest. Fearing the worst, Slaughter dressed
hastily, keeping an eye on those roiling, building clouds, praying he would have
time to shepherd his family downstairs to huddle in the cellar.

When the sun finally rose, its feeble rays illuminated the
full scale of the tragedy. Mangled bodies of the Bryant family—even little
Sadie—lay 100 to 150 yards from their house, smashed by flying timbers from
their own home as the five were running for safety. In minutes,
27 vital people had been slain; 60 more lay injured. Miracles also
happened: young W. S. Irby Jr., his
wife, and toddler were awakened by their house violently rocking; swept out a window,
they landed in the chicken coop instants before their home collapsed around
them. When rescuers pulled the clapboards and beams away from the chicken coop,
all three emerged alive.
The Lower Peach Tree tornado of Good Friday, March 21, 1913,
still ranks among Alabama’s top 15 deadliest over the past two centuries. It was one of nine twisters that churned
across Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi that morning, altogether killing 48
and injuring 150.
It was also a harbinger of even worse to come.
All nine tornadoes were part of a mammoth Good Friday
windstorm that swept the eastern U.S. from the Canadian border to the Gulf of
Mexico, the first punch of what would become a calamity for a third of the
nation. After more than a week of unusually high and sultry temperatures across
the Midwest and eastern U.S.—reaching well into the 80s in the Ohio River
Valley—an arctic high-pressure system swooped down from Canada,
bringing hurricane-force winds and heavy sleet. In less than 12 hours across
the Great Plains, temperatures plummeted up to 40 degrees. Sustained winds from
that massive cold front reached 60 mph in Indianapolis, 66
miles per hour in Louisville, KY, 84 mph in Toledo, OH, 86 mph in Detroit, MI,
and 90 mph in Buffalo, NY—all records; Toledo even recorded 1-minute powerful
gusts of 100 mph. Across the Midwest, the
furious windstorm toppled brick chimneys, blew carriages off roads, uprooted
trees, carried off fences, and unroofed buildings. Flying debris killed half a
dozen people in several states. 
That silence was deadly. The downed poles and wires—along
with a lack of commercial radio—had two immediate and critical consequences.
First, the U.S. Weather Bureau had little communication with the Midwest and none
west of the Mississippi River, so it could not gather timely data
about the unusual powerful weather system massing and spreading eastward from
the Rockies. Second, there was almost no means for communicating timely weather
Thus, the arena was set for the second colossal punch of the
nation’s most widespread natural disaster—just as families across the Great
Plains and the Midwest were sitting down to what many innocently anticipated as
a serene and joyful Easter dinner…
Next time: ‘My
Conception of Hell’
Caption to newspaper: The tragedy of the Lower Peach Tree tornado ran from top to bottom on the front page of the March 28, 1913 issue of The Alabamian. (Although the original death count given was 28, it was later revised downward to 27.)
Caption to photograph: The strength of the wind storm across the eastern U.S. is clear from this catastrophic damage to telephone and telegraph poles; photograph appeared in the special May 1913 "Flood Edition" of the Bell Telephone News.
Selected references
Bell Telephone News.Vol.
2, no. 10. Flood Edition. May 1913.
Garrett, C. W. (compiler), Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh: A History of the Flood of March
1913. Pennsylvania Co., 1913.
Grazulis, Thomas P., Significant
Tornadoes, 1880-1989. St. Johnsbury, VT: Environmental Films, 1991. Classic
and fascinating two-volume reference detailing virtually every U.S. tornado F2
and greater for more than a century. Grazulis now runs The Tornado Project.
The Heritage of Wilcox
County, Alabama, Clanton, AL: Heritage Publishing Consultants, Inc. and
Walsworth Publishing Company, 2002.
Monthly Weather
Review, vol. 41, No. 3, March 1913.
With thanks to the late historian Craig B. Waff, who photocopied March and April 1913 newspaper articles for me about the Lower Peach Tree
tornado from five local Alabama newspapers on microfilm (The Clarke County Democrat, The South Alabamian, The Thomasville Echo,
Wilcox Banner, and the Wilcox
Progressive Era) while he was on business in Birmingham. Thanks also to
ASSNE editor Spence Blakely for helpful comments on the manuscript.
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