Sixteen recent books—eight issued for
the centennial—range from illustrated local histories to resource guides to
children’s literature; plus two 1-hour documentary films and three notable
earlier works.
beats a riveting disaster book or movie! The 2013 centennial has inspired a
crop of new histories about aspects of the 1913 flood in Ohio and Indiana plus
about the family of Easter tornadoes in Nebraska. Below, in alphabetical order
by author’s last name, are 16 books and two hour-long documentaries—both of
which can be viewed in full online—published since 2000. Fully half the books
and films are brand new (in the last four months). Many are local histories
that are filling in details of ‘Our National Calamity’ that otherwise would be
lost to posterity.

Listed in a
separate group are three notable earlier books from the last half of the
twentieth century, now available online, in second-hand bookstores, or in
libraries. Only those works whose entire content is devoted to the 1913 natural
disaster are reviewed; autobiographies, city histories, or other works that
include only a chapter or subsection about it are excluded, as are short videos
(some of which can be found on YouTube). (Also excluded are the various instant
disaster books published in 1913, already discussed in detail in “Profiting From Pain.”)
As always,
contact me at if I have overlooked a resource or if you know of
one appearing later this centennial year. Happy reading and viewing!
Books since 2000
Elli and Harriet Foley (editors). 1913—The
1913 Flood in Franklin, Ohio: A Guide. Franklin Area Historical Society, P.
O. Box 345, Franklin, OH 45005-0345. 2013. [Title on title page reads 1913 Flood of the Great Miami River: A Guide
to Resources on the Flood of 1913 Available at the Franklin Area Historical
Society.] No ISBN. xiv. 129 pages. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
Softbound or hardbound. Principally a detailed guide to the FAHS collection of some 8,000 items, this book is richly illustrated
with photographic images and captions on uncoated paper, pre-flood history of
the Franklin area, and a historical sketch that puts the Franklin-area flood in
statewide context. Copies are available from FAHS and the Franklin-Springboro
Public Library, or via mail order. Price of $20.00 (softbound) or $35.00
(hardbound) includes Ohio sales tax; mail orders should also include $4.00 for
shipping and handling. Payment is by cash or checks payable to the Franklin
Area Historical Society (FAHS); telephone (FAHS Museum is voicemail only) is
(937) 746-8295.
Elli (editor). 1913: Preserving the
Memories of Dayton’s Great Flood. Proceedings of the Symposium [October 22,
2002] sponsored by Dayton Metro Library, Ohio Humanities Council, Miami
Conservancy District, Ohio Preservation Council and Beavercreek Women’s League.
With a Guide to Resources on the Flood of 1913. Dayton Metro Library, 215 East
Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402-2103. 2004. ISBN 0-9707679-1-9. xv. 128 pages.
Appendices. Bibliographies (one for print materials, one for websites). Index.
Softbound. Richly illustrated with more than 125 photographs on coated paper,
this book includes the full text of five major papers presented at the
symposium (especially thought-provoking is the lead essay “Where History Comes
From: The Dayton Flood and Why We Remember,” by Una M. Cadegan, University of
Dayton). Despite being only nine years old, the book may be available primarily
in libraries; call Dayton Metro for more information.
Bell, Trudy
E. The Great Dayton Flood of 1913.
Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7385-5179-1. 2008. 128 pages. Bibliography.
Softbound. Part of Arcadia’s Images of America series, this picture book
features nearly 200 images from the Dayton Metro Library, the Miami Conservancy
District, and the NCR Archives at Dayton History, on coated paper with extended
captions telling the story of the flood in Dayton, rescue efforts, recovery,
and the construction of the Miami Conservancy District dry dams for flood
control. As per Arcadia’s usual pattern for its local histories, the book is
widely available in the Dayton area at bookstores, museums, and even local
Walgreens, but not necessarily in more distant bookstores. Copies also can be
ordered through Arcadia or directly from the author for the cover price of
$21.99 each (including Ohio sales tax) plus an additional $4.00 shipping and
Blount, Jim.
Flood: Butler County’s Greatest Weather Disaster—March 1913. Past/Present
Press, Hamilton! Ohio. 2002. No ISBN. 68 pages. Saddlestitched. More than 70
photos and maps on uncoated paper of the 1913 flood of the Great Miami River in
the Hamilton and Middletown areas of Ohio was compiled by Hamilton’s historian
and retired newspaper journalist. Hamilton, about a third the size of Dayton in
1913 (about 35,000 citizens compared to about 125,000) suffered far more deaths
for the size of its population than did Dayton; although body counts were less
than 100, official estimates acknowledge the real casualties likely topped 150,
and Blount’s research suggested it may have topped 200. Chapters written and laid
out like newspaper articles. No bibliography or index, but detailed table of
contents. Available for $12.50 from Books in Shandon, 4795
Cincinnati-Brookville Road, P.O. Box 8, Shandon, OH 45063, phone
513-738-2962 or 513-523-4005; contact for information on
Thelma (compiler and editor). Rain and
River: Remembering the Flood of 1913, Logansport, Indiana. Cass County
Historical Society, 1004 East Market Street, Logansport, IN 46947. 2013. ii. 88
pages. Hardbound. Rich photographic record of the overflowing of the Wabash
River and flooding of Logansport, Indiana, as documented principally by
professional photographers from four photographic studios in the city. The
book, compiled and edited by the CCHS’s Executive Director, features more than
160 images—the best of the CCHS’s collection of postcards and
photographs—printed on coated paper with extended captions. Also included are
notes and observations of observers trapped in buildings, quotes from
newspapers, and excerpts of letters. No bibliography or index. Sold at the Cass County Historical Society; for ordering the book by
mail ($25 per copy plus $5 for shipping and handling), contact the author at the society at 574-753-3866 or e
mail .
Lt. Col. Leigh R., Capt. Robert Rossow, and Cdt. Elliott White Springs. Logansport—The Flood, March 1913. Assembled
and edited by Robert B. D. Hartman.
Culver Academies. 1994. 57 pages. The Second Century Series. Have not seen a
copy; my contact at the Culver Academies wrote: “This book was self-published by
the school in 1994 (in celebration of Culver's centennial)… The book is, with
the exception of our historian, Bob Hartman's introduction, three first-hand accounts of the dramatic rescue of more than 1,000 citizens of Logansport, Indiana, by a group of cadets and faculty of the Culver Military Academy (as it was then called). The story is recounted by then-superintendent Col. L.R. Gignilliat, by Black Horse Troop director (and
war veteran, yarn-spinner and adventurer) Col. Robert Rossow, and by cadet Elliot
White Springs, who went on to fame and fortune as a WWI veteran and textile
magnate, in addition to a brief excerpt from a letter by a Logansport woman. It
has a handful of photos.” It is in the process of being reprinted. $13.95.
Available at the Culver Military Academy campus bookstore or can be ordered online.
Curt, Through Flood, Through Fire:
Personal Stories from Survivors of the Dayton Flood of 1913. Oregon
Printing. Dayton, OH. 2012. 182 pages. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Full
verbatim contents of letters, speeches, other 1913 documents during and after
the 1913 flood, prefaced by introductory narrative, plus over 100 stunning
photographs from the NCR Archives of Dayton History, the Dayton Daily News, and
other sources. Reprint of a book originally published in 2001. Although the
entire text is online, the photographs make
it eminently worth acquiring a physical printed copy. $24.95; available from
Carillon Park, 1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, OH 45409; call 937-293-2841 and ask
for the gift shop for information about shipping.
Curt. Water, Water Everywhere… The
History of the Miami Valley Flood of 1913. Children’s Historical
Publishing, 2626 Delanie Avenue, Dayton OH 45419, (937)-643-0502. 2013. 32
pages. No ISBN. Saddlestitched. Laid out
rather like an Arcadia book, it is written at a level accessible to
grade-school children without talking down to them. Through the dramatic
photographs, reading, and a few activities, children can learn social studies
history and a little engineering. Sold at Dayton Art Institute and Carillon
Park. For ordering (retail $8.00 each plus $3.35 shipping, although special
discounts are available for teachers and classrooms), contact the publisher at .
Miami Conservancy
District, The. A Flood of Memories. One
Hundred Years After the Flood: Images from 1913 and Today. The Miami
Conservancy District. 2013. ISBN 978-0-615-75860-2. 128 pages. Hardbound.
Colorful coffee-table book depicts the dramatic 1913 flood side-by-side with
images of the same areas today captured by photographer Andy Snow. Piqua, Troy,
Dayton, West Carrollton, Miamisburg, Franklin, Middletown, and Hamilton are all
included. Each pair of images has brief descriptive text, but the bulk of every
page is reserved for the striking contrasts between devastation in 1913 and the
safety and vibrancy these communities enjoy now. $22.95 from the Dayton Art
Institute Museum Store, Carillon Historical Park’s Gift Shop, and the Butler
County Historical Society. Not yet available for online ordering, although it
may be soon.

Travis. Omaha’s Easter Tornado of 1913. Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7385-3184-7.
2003. 128 pages. Bibliography. Softbound. Part of Arcadia’s Images of America
series, this picture book features some 200 images from various historical
archives in Omaha, Nebraska, on coated paper. (Sing’s technique of telling the
gripping story of the Great Easter Omaha Tornado and its destruction in various
communities through extended captions, including rescue efforts, relief, and
recovery, inspired my own approach for my book on the 1913 flood in Dayton.) As
per Arcadia’s usual pattern for its local histories, Sing’s book is widely
available in the Omaha area at bookstores, museums, and historical societies,
but not necessarily in more distant bookstores. Copies also can be ordered
($21.99 cover price) through Arcadia.

Scott D. And Through the Black Night of
Terror: The 1913 Flood in the Northern Miami Valley. Cam-Tech Publishing,
4890 East Miami-Shelby Road, Fletcher, OH 45326-9766. ISBN 978-0-925436-69-6.
2012. 188 pages. Bibliography. Index. Softcover. Recounts the 1913 flood in the
five northern Miami Valley counties of Champaign, Darke, Logan, Miami, and
Shelby, where 65 people perished in the angry waters, including in the towns of
Sidney, Piqua, and Troy. Includes more than 100 illustrations and maps on
uncoated stock, plus lists of fatalities. $34.95; book can be ordered online.
Scott D. Letters From the Attic: Stories
from the victims of the 1913 flood in western Ohio. Cam-Tech Publishing,
4890 East Miami-Shelby Road, Fletcher, OH 45326-9766 Cam-Tech Publishing. ISBN
978-0-925436-73-3. 2013. 128 pages. Soft cover. Recounts the 1913 flood
in Miami Valley from Sidney (north of Dayton) to Hamilton (south of Dayton) in
the words of the flood survivors themselves in letters. Have not seen the
actual book. The author writes: “All the letters came from newspapers where the
originals had been submitted for reprint by persons to whom they were
originally addressed in 1913, nothing out of any historical society or archive,
that stuff had all been reprinted several times over the years and I wanted
fresh materials, so I went hunting for it. 20 photos and illustrations.” $18.95; book
can be ordered online.
Historical Society. Troy and the Great
Flood of 1913. Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7385-9059-2. 2012. 128 pages.
Bibliography. Index. Softbound. Part of Arcadia’s Images of America series,
this picture book features some 200 images on coated paper from various
historical archives in Troy, Ohio, north of Dayton. Troy’s story, including the
loss of 15 lives directly to drowning and countless others from injury and
disease, has largely been overshadowed by the publicity about Dayton at the
time. But for the U.S. bicentennial in 1976, the Troy History Committee
interviewed Troy flood survivors and preserved the interviews on audio tape,
which form the basis of stories told in this book of disaster and rebuilding. As per Arcadia’s usual pattern for its local histories, the book is widely
available in the upper Miami Valley area north of Dayton, but not necessarily
in more distant bookstores. Copies also can be ordered ($21.99 cover price) through

Full-length documentaries
Devil Clouds: Tornadoes Strike
Nebraska. The 1913 Easter Tornadoes. NET – Nebraska Public Television. 2013. Running time 56:55
minutes. Online description: “Developed in conjunction with the 100th
anniversary of the event (which took place on March 23, 1913), it’s a story
full of heroes and colorful characters; a story of tragedy, but also recovery
and resolve; and the story of a city and state in transition. It’s a story so
well documented visually that it offers an intriguing glimpse into the
disaster, and the lives of 1913 Nebraskans in places like Omaha, Ralston, Yutan
and Otoe (called Berlin at the time).” Entire documentary can be viewed online. Fabulous additional resources—including videos about the Berlin and Yutan
tornadoes in the same tornado family—appear online (scroll down to section "Related Media" at right).
Goodbye, The Levee Has Broken: The
Story of the Great Dayton Flood. ThinkTV - Greater Dayton Public Television. Produced in
partnership with the Montgomery County Historical Society. 2010. Running time
54:50 minutes. Jacket copy: “Recounts the day-by-day events of the flood, as
experienced by its victims and survivors. Their harrowing stories, taken from
diaries, letters, and newspaper articles, are brought to life through drawings,
film footage, and rarely-seen archival photographs. Emmy-award-winning producer
Shawn Brady bring these elements together for the first time in an
emotionally-charged recreation of the extraordinary event that once held an
entire nation spellbound.” Entire documentary can be viewed online.
Twentieth-century books
Becker, Carl
M., and Patrick B. Nolan. Keeping the
Promise: A Pictorial History of the Miami Conservancy District. Landfall
Press. Dayton, OH. 1988. ISBN 0-913428-65-5 clothbound; 0-913428-66-2
paperback. 208 pages. Appendices. Several hundred photographs from the
collections of Wright State University, the Miami Conservancy District, and
other archives that depict the flooding around the Miami Valley in Ohio,
including Piqua and Troy and rural areas as well as in Dayton and Hamilton, and
then document the construction of the Miami Conservation District dry dams.
Published in time for the 75th anniversary of the 1913 flood. You may get lucky
and find a copy second-hand.
Allan W. A Time of Terror: The Great
Dayton Flood. Landfall Press. Dayton, OH. 1981 (a reprint of the original
published by Little, Brown, & Co. in 1965, shortly after the 50th
anniversary of the flood) ISBN 0-913428-02-7.
341 pages. There may have also been a 1997 reprint. Fictionalized
account of the 1913 flood in Dayton that has proven highly influential in
keeping the memory alive (the musical stage play 1913 performed most recently
in January-February 2013 at Wright State University is based on the book). No
bibliography or footnotes, but a brief acknowledgment section about sources.
Second-hand copies are available (at sometimes dismayingly high prices), but
the entire text of the book is available online.